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Guardian (Basics)

Guardian is a widely used authentication library based on JWT (JSON Web Tokens).


A JWT can provide a rich token for authentication. Where many authentication systems provide access to only a subject identifier for the resource, JWTs provide this along with other information like:

In addition to these fields Guardian provides some other fields to facilitate additional functionality:

These are just the basic fields in a JWT. You’re free to add any additional information that your application requires. Just remember to keep it short, as JWT has to fit in the HTTP header.

This richness means that you can pass JWTs around in your system as a fully contained unit of credentials.

Where to use them

JWT tokens can be used to authenticate any part of your application.

JWT tokens can be used everywhere in your application where you need to provide verifiable authentication.

Do I have to use a database?

You do not need to track JWT via a database. You can simply rely on the issued and expiry timestamps for controlling access. Often you’ll end up using a database to look up your user resource but the JWT itself does not require it.

For example, if you were going to use JWT to authenticate communication on a UDP socket you likely wouldn’t use a database. Encode all the information you need directly into the token when you issue it. Once you verify it (check that it’s signed correctly) you’re good to go.

You can however use a database to track JWT. If you do, you gain the ability to verify that the token is still valid - that is - it has not been revoked. Or you could use the records in the DB to force a log out of all tokens a for user. This is made simple in Guardian by using GuardianDb. GuardianDb uses Guardians ‘Hooks’ to perform validation checks, save and delete from the DB. We’ll cover that later.


There are many options for setting up Guardian. We’ll cover them at some point but let’s start with a simple setup.

Minimal Setup

To get started there are a handful of things that you’ll need.



def application do
    mod: {MyApp, []},
    applications: [:guardian, ...]

def deps do
    {:guardian, "~> x.x"},


# in each environment config file you should overwrite this if it's external
config :guardian, Guardian,
  issuer: "MyAppId",
  secret_key: Mix.env(),
  serializer: MyApp.GuardianSerializer

This is the minimum set of information you need to provide Guardian with to operate. You shouldn’t encode your secret key directly into your top-level config. Instead, each environment should have its own key. It’s common to use the Mix environment for secrets in dev and test. Staging and production, however, must use strong secrets. (e.g. generated with mix phoenix.gen.secret)


defmodule MyApp.GuardianSerializer do
  @behaviour Guardian.Serializer

  alias MyApp.Repo
  alias MyApp.User

  def for_token(user = %User{}), do: {:ok, "User:#{}"}
  def for_token(_), do: {:error, "Unknown resource type"}

  def from_token("User:" <> id), do: {:ok, Repo.get(User, id)}
  def from_token(_), do: {:error, "Unknown resource type"}

Your serializer is responsible for finding the resource identified in the sub (subject) field. This could be a lookup from a db, an API, or even a simple string. It’s also responsible for serializing a resource into the sub field.

That’s it for the minimum configuration. There’s plenty more you can do if you need to but to get started that’s enough.

Application Usage

Now that we have the configuration in place to use Guardian, we need to integrate it into the application. Since this is the minimum setup, let’s first consider HTTP requests.

HTTP requests

Guardian provides a number of Plugs to facilitate integration into HTTP requests. You can learn about Plug in a separate lesson. Guardian doesn’t require Phoenix, but using Phoenix in the following examples will be easiest to demonstrate.

The easiest way to integrate into HTTP is via the router. Since Guardian’s HTTP integrations are all based on plugs, you can use these anywhere a plug could be used.

The general flow of Guardian plug is:

  1. Find a token in the request (somewhere) and verify it: Verify* plugs
  2. Optionally load the resource identified in the token: LoadResource plug
  3. Ensure that there is a valid token for the request and refuse access if not: EnsureAuthenticated plug

To meet all the needs of application developers, Guardian implements these phases separately. To find the token use the Verify* plugs.

Let’s create some pipelines.

pipeline :maybe_browser_auth do
  plug(Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader, realm: "Bearer")

pipeline :ensure_authed_access do
  plug(Guardian.Plug.EnsureAuthenticated, %{"typ" => "access", handler: MyApp.HttpErrorHandler})

These pipelines can be used to compose different authentication requirements. The first pipeline tries to find a token first in the session and then falls back to a header. If it finds one, it will load the resource for you.

The second pipeline requires that there is a valid, verified token present and that it is of type “access”. To use these, add them to your scope.

scope "/", MyApp do
  pipe_through([:browser, :maybe_browser_auth])

  get("/login", LoginController, :new)
  post("/login", LoginController, :create)
  delete("/login", LoginController, :delete)

scope "/", MyApp do
  pipe_through([:browser, :maybe_browser_auth, :ensure_authed_access])

  resource("/protected/things", ProtectedController)

The login routes above will have the authenticated user if there is one. The second scope ensures that there is a valid token passed for all actions. You don’t have to put them in pipelines, you could put them in your controllers for super flexible customization but we’re doing a minimal setup.

We’re missing one piece so far. The error handler we added on the EnsureAuthenticated plug. This is a very simple module that responds to

Both these functions receive a Plug.Conn struct and a params map and should handle their respective errors. You can even use a Phoenix controller!

In the controller

Inside the controller, there are a couple of options for how to access the currently logged in user. Let’s start with the simplest.

defmodule MyApp.MyController do
  use MyApp.Web, :controller
  use Guardian.Phoenix.Controller

  def some_action(conn, params, user, claims) do
    # do stuff

By using the Guardian.Phoenix.Controller module, your actions will receive two additional arguments that you can pattern match on. Remember, if you didn’t use EnsureAuthenticated you may have a nil user and claims.

The other - more flexible/verbose version - is to use plug helpers.

defmodule MyApp.MyController do
  use MyApp.Web, :controller

  def some_action(conn, params) do
    if Guardian.Plug.authenticated?(conn) do
      user = Guardian.Plug.current_resource(conn)
      # No user


Logging in and out of a browser session is very simple. In your login controller:

def create(conn, params) do
  case find_the_user_and_verify_them_from_params(params) do
    {:ok, user} ->
      # Use access tokens.
      # Other tokens can be used, like :refresh etc
      |> Guardian.Plug.sign_in(user, :access)
      |> respond_somehow()

    {:error, reason} ->
      # handle not verifying the user's credentials

def delete(conn, params) do
  |> Guardian.Plug.sign_out()
  |> respond_somehow()

When using API login, it’s slightly different because there’s no session and you need to provide the raw token back to the client. For API login you’ll likely use the Authorization header to provide the token to your application. This method is useful when you do not intend on using a session.

def create(conn, params) do
  case find_the_user_and_verify_them_from_params(params) do
    {:ok, user} ->
      {:ok, jwt, _claims} = Guardian.encode_and_sign(user, :access)
      conn |> respond_somehow(%{token: jwt})

    {:error, reason} ->
      # handle not verifying the user's credentials

def delete(conn, params) do
  jwt = Guardian.Plug.current_token(conn)

The browser session login calls encode_and_sign under the hood so you can use them the same way.

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