TIL: Cleaner queries with Ecto map
By Yuri Oliveira | Posted 2021-11-22
Today I learned how to write cleaner Ecto
select queries with the help of Ecto.Query.map
TIL: Cleaner queries with Ecto map
When working with large tables a common practice is to avoid using SELECT *
to make better use of database indices and resources.
So, instead of writing:
query = from p in Post
To avoid getting back more data than we need, we can explicitly tell Ecto (and the DB) which columns we want it to return us:
query = from p in Post, select: %{id: p.id, title: p.title, category_id: p.category_id}
But why do we have to be so explicit and duplicate keys and values? Isn’t there a better way?
It turns out Ecto.Query already solved this for us with the map/2
function. So this:
query = from p in Post, select: %{id: p.id, title: p.title, category_id: p.category_id}
query = from p in Post, select: map(p, [:id, :title, :category_id])
Or, in Pipeland:
|> select([p], %{id: p.id, title: p.title, category_id: p.category_id})
|> Repo.all()
|> select([p], map(p, [:id, :title, :category_id]))
|> Repo.all()
And we can even have dynamic fields when using it in a function, like:
def filter_posts_by_id(posts_ids, fields \\ [:id, :title, :category_id]) do
|> where([p], p.id in ^posts_ids)
|> select([p], map(p, ^fields))
|> Repo.all()
Thanks to the Ecto.Query.map/2
function and the use of pipes, we end up with clean, composable and highly readable code.
Enjoy Ecto!
Thank you to the Groxio Mentoring folks for the support.