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Posts Tagged "telemetry"

Articles authored by Elixir School contributors and members of the community.

phoenix instrumenting telemetry

Instrumenting Phoenix with Telemetry Part I: Telemetry Under The Hood

In this series, we’re instrumenting a Phoenix app and sending metrics to StatsD with the help of Elixir and Erlang’s Telemetry offerings. In Part I we’ll start out by setting up a basic, DIY Telemetry pipeline and examining how Erlang’s Telemetry library works under the hood

phoenix telemetry instrumenting liveview

Instrumenting Phoenix with Telemetry and LiveDashboard

The recent release of the LiveDashboard library allows us to visualize our application metrics, performance and behavior in real-time. In this post, we’ll add LiveDashboard to our Phoenix app, examine the out-of-the-box features and take a look under the hood to understand how LiveDashboard hooks into Telemetry events in order to visualize them.

phoenix telemetry instrumenting

Instrumenting Phoenix with Telemetry Part II: Telemetry Metrics + Reporters

In this series, we’re instrumenting a Phoenix app and sending metrics to StatsD with the help of Elixir and Erlang’s Telemetry offerings. In Part II we’ll use Elixir’s Telemetry.Metrics and TelemetryMetricsStatsd libraries to define and send metrics to StatsD for a given Telemetry event.

phoenix telemetry instrumenting

Instrumenting Phoenix with Telemetry Part III: Phoenix + Ecto Telemetry Events

In this series, we’re instrumenting a Phoenix app and sending metrics to StatsD with the help of Elixir and Erlang’s Telemetry offerings. In Part III we’ll examine Phoenix and Ecto’s out-of-the-box Telemetry events and use Telemetry.Metrics to observe a wide-range of such events.

phoenix telemetry instrumenting

Instrumenting Phoenix with Telemetry Part IV: Erlang VM Measurements with telemetry_poller

In this series, we’re instrumenting a Phoenix app and sending metrics to StatsD with the help of Elixir and Erlang’s Telemetry offerings. In Part III we’ll incorporate Erlang’s telemetry_poller library into our Phoenix app so that we can observe and report on Erlang VM Telemetry events.